Wednesday, May 04, 2005

manna and quail

I picture myself in the midst of the Israelites. God has brought us out of Egypt, the deep suffering and loneliness, and is giving us a home and restoring our identity. We are starving, and God in His mercy gives us manna, the bread of heaven unique for God's people. He gives us exactly what we need to fulfill the longing within. His faithfulness endures and provision continues for months. It satisfies.
Yet a year later we start moving our camp around and we grumble for something more...God's specific provision in a dry land is not enough any longer. His gift specifically for His people--manna--has lost its fulness in our hearts and stomachs. Our hearts are as hungry and devouring as our stomachs.
So God gives us what we want, which is meat (tangibly). But He sends a flood of quail instead of a little, and in giving us exactly what we really desire--not what we need--we see the frailty of our desires and hearts. He has revealed our selfish craving, which is different from a true hunger.


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