Tuesday, February 21, 2006

olympics vs 24

Tonight we actually sat down and watched the olympics for a bit...something we haven't done as much as I thought we would. It may be because of the time difference, lack of "heroic stories", or it could also be because we are in the middle of the third season of 24. Yes, we are gradually working our way through the back story, thanks to friends who've graciously lent us the DVD's.

We've grown quite fond of watching tv this way. Its one thing to leave out the commercials. Its another to avoid the long stretch of the season and between episodes. I don't know if we'll catch up during the latest season, but we are making headway and enjoying it greatly. Though we haven't been big movie-goers or movie-renters in the past couple of years, for some reason this has really caught on.

And back to figure skating...go USA!


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