Tuesday, December 07, 2004

remembering Africa

This afternoon I joined some friends to continue developing a project called “Hope+Aloud”, an effort to bring together many independent artists here in Nashville to creatively respond to HIV/AIDS in Africa. Included is a trip to Africa in February to hear stories and have personal connections with South Africa and Kenya, and then come back to write songs for a cd that will be sold to raise money for the Africans who shared their stories (their communities). I was asked to share about my trip to Africa for the benefit of those at the meeting who haven’t been there yet. In my preparations, I realized at the last minute that I was probably going to lose it…cry…and have to share this with those in the room. This shocked me, and I was suddenly a little (ok, very) fearful. Yet I knew that I had an important voice that was possibly somebody’s connecting point.

So I shared, and I lost it, and kind of recovered, and cried a little more, and in the end know that my story—particularly about a man named Dumani—was a vision of God’s mercy displayed on earth. Those in the room were/are anxious about what lies ahead, namely the unknown about a trip to Africa and the way their lives may be changed as a result. Yet they are drawn to this project ultimately for the expansion of God’s kingdom and His glory. For those of you reading about this for the first time—or those who want to reread my journal from Africa and Europe—it is posted with my writings on the link to the right (My Articles Online--Written Thoughts--Journal from South Africa and Europe).

I am reminded of the importance of hope, which is different than optimism and pessimism. As a believer in the Gospel of Christ, I don’t just see the world as a better or worse place…I see it as God’s redeemable creation that has intention and design, all leading to the kingdom to come that we taste but have yet to fully experience. May we all yearn for that today, wherever we are physically and personally, and move forward in that grace.


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