Monday, November 29, 2004

recovering and relaxing

Before I knew it, Sunday morning was here and family was headed back north. We had a fantastic time together, whether out and about or simply spending time at the house. Saturday night we even got out some games and played a little "Outburst" and "Phase 10". We even made it through discussions on politics and religion, which can be difficult at times in any family due to the personal nature and defensiveness in any person. I anxiously look forward to hosting another family gathering at the house, and am definitely starting to get into the holiday swing of things.

Sam is repeating a lot of the words we say, and has been full of much more energy throughout the day. He loves running around the house--and in place, like a tribal dance--and has been saying "football", "shoes", "thank you", and other words. We now have the joy of hearing his voice and sometimes interpreting his new words as he works on the inflection and syllables. He loved playing with his cousins Matthew and Grace over the weekend!

This week holds a few things in store...two days in the studio working on a couple more songs for the upcoming Jars record, a meeting regarding some Blood:Water Mission-related projects in the near future, and a party Friday night for some friends who are moving to Florida soon. We're trying to establish a rhythm in the household and settle into a purposeful and intentional "schedule" now that I'm off the road for a bit. Unfortunately things will be crazy with the parties and events surrounding the holidays, but I think--and hope!-- we are heading in the right direction.


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