Wednesday, October 12, 2005

all things

"I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me." Phil. 4:12-13

What great encouragement as we start this day. But we should not just take the last 10 words out of context and say "Nothing's going to stop me" or focus too much on the self and accomplishments instead of Christ. In the greater scope, it seems Paul is revealing that the only way he can FACE all things is through Christ. Whether in abundance or need, plenty or hunger, we can have hope and actually take steps into this world only by the power of Christ. This gives us the ability to love others well because my hope is the only hope for them, too...on equal ground and as image-bearers of God.


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